
Soul Awakening!

I invite you to join me for an Intuitive Soul Awakening. This mini course empowers you to live into your purpose, claim your dreams over your fears and walk into your future, choosing YOU!


My love, you are a portal. You are a gateway. YOU are the very thing you need to live into the fullest version of yourself. I want to remind you of the power you hold within you, and that no matter what is happening in your external world, it is your internal world that will sustain and support you, if you will let it.

Everything you are looking for outside yourself, already lives INSIDE you. You are the one you have been waiting for all this time. Know that THIS is your moment to choose you and this truth. You are the keeper of the key that allows you to move beyond your old stories, choose your dreams over your fear, transform your reality, and create your destiny, and it all begins with the Intuitive Soul Awakening.

You have the knowing and the potential to create the foundation for the life you want to live. By turning towards your truth, and leaning into all that inspires you, you learn how to live outside your limitations, your fears and your doubts.

The Intuitive Soul Awakening teaches you how to deepen your intuition and walk hand in hand with uncertainty as the expression of your soul’s expansion. Through teaching, ceremony, and ritual you will amplify your connection with your inner wisdom, use your blocks and challenges as portals, and awaken your soul’s inspiration to create a new path, a new reality, and a new freedom where EVERYTHING is possible!

I invite you to awaken your soul and deepen your intuition through this mini course that explores:

  • Deepening Your Intuition Through Decision.
  • Expanding Your Soul by Living Your Purpose.
  • Empowering You to Make the Impossible Possible. 
  • Ceremony, Ritual and Inquiry to connect with the Earth and yourself. 

The journey begins now! Let's dive deep into expanding your life, your soul and your purpose.

Will you join me? 


Enroll in the 

Intuitive Soul Awakening

I celebrate you for taking this powerful step 
living in alignment
with the truth of your heart and
deepening your relationship
with your intuition.



I'm Sarah Noble.


As a portal between the seen and the unseen worlds I live in devotion to creating spaces that allow people to be fully ALIVE and deeply connected to their intuition. We are ALL intuitive and have the capacity to connect with what we cannot see, and because of this I love inspiring people to embrace their magic and live in the mystery of life. Knowing that life is ALWAYS loving you, even in the hard moments, and understanding that how you show up for everything is connected to how you are loving and being with yourself, I love to play in the places that awaken the truth of YOU and ignite the gifts your of intuition, your magic and your deepest desires.

I have journeyed on my spiritual path for over 25 years and am trained and initiated into Shamanic Energy Medicine through The Light Body School of The Four Winds Society. I am a certified and accredited ICF Somatic and Embodiment Life Coach and have extensive training in reading the Akashic Records. I host the Modern Day Intuitive Podcast, teach meditation and intuition, lead programs, mentorships and workshops, and guide people on their own spiritual journey. It is my honor to walk this path with you.